Room Booking


  • You and/or your group are affiliated with AUS (SSMU clubs are not included)
  • You are part of your group’s Executive
  • Your desired booking is for a weekday (Monday to Friday)
  • You require either the Leacock Council Room, Arts Council Room or Ferrier room
  • There is a minimum of 2 (two) weeks until your desired booking
  • If alcohol is involved, there is at least 6 (six) weeks until your desired booking, and you have/will promptly submit your liquor permit

If you or your group do not meet any of the requirements listed above, your application will automatically be deemed invalid and will not be processed.

Booking requests can only be completed on behalf of Arts Departments and other AUS groups. All external groups should contact the administration or the building director for further details on how to proceed.

How the Process Works (COVID-19 Protocol):

  1. Email AUS Booking – – with your room request
  2. The AUS works with the Faculty of Arts to book the room
  3. The AUS VP Internal will contact you confirming the booking or providing alternative rooms
  4. Submit the Faculty of Arts COVID-19 Event Form to the office of the Associate Dean
  5. Send the AUS your signed event approval form

Available Rooms

BLDGROOMCap.Room Type1 VDP2 VDP’sVCRDVD/VCRDoc CamLecture RcrdgMicro-phoneRemote SensorCabinet/ PodiumTablet LCDsLocal PCHDMI cables
ARTS14570Classroom* ***   C   
ARTS15060Classroom* ***   C   
ARTS16035Faculty Meeting Room            
ARTS26060Classroom* ***   C   
ARTSW-2055Classroom* **    C   
ARTSW-120108Classroom* ***** P   
ARTSW-215105Classroom* ****  P   

Book a Room

To book a room please email the AUS VP Internal at 

Please allow for a minimum of 3 (three) days before anticipated date.