Legislative Council
AUS Legislative Council meets biweekly during the academic year, and is the legislative governing body of the Arts Undergraduate Society, subordinate only to the AUS General Assembly. Legislative Council meetings are open to the public, unless a confidential session is declared.
Voting membership on AUS Council includes the AUS Executive, the Arts Senators, a representative from each of the AUS’ departmental associations, a representative from FEARC (the AUS’s first-year committee), the AUS Equity Commissioners, and a representative from AUSec (the AUS Environmental Council), a representative from ACE (the Arts Community Engagement Committee), and a representative from EPIC (the AUS Event Planning and Implementation Committee).
AUS Council operates under a modified version of Robert’s Rules of Order so that meetings can occur in an organized and efficient fashion. Most decisions of AUS Council are made by way of motions submitted to and approved by AUS Council.
The standing rules for Legislative Council can be found here. A template for submitting motions to council can be found here. The AUS letterhead for submitting reports can be found here.
“The governing body of the AUS shall be known as the Legislative Council (hereinafter, Council) and as such shall:
(a) Recognize the supremacy of the AUS Constitution and be bound by it;
(b) Be empowered to make all decisions and take action on behalf of the AUS in accordance with and subject to the constraints imposed by the General Assembly;
(c) Adopt the AUS annual budget;
(d) Establish Committees of Council where and when it deems necessary;
(e) Have the power to mandate any of its representatives to adopt and defend a specific stance.”

2024-2025 Council Documents
Winter 2025
2023-2024 Council Documents
Fall 2023
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Presentations
- Motions
- Executive Reports
- Representative Reports
- Departmental Reports
- Agenda
- Minutes (APPROVED)
- Presentations
- Motions
- Motion to Amend the Equity Policy By-Laws
- Motion to Approve Statement Condemning the New Vic Project
- Motion to Approve the Amended ESA Constitution
- Motion to Ratify FY2024 AUS Departmental Association Budgets
- Motion to Renew the Arts Student Sustainability and Ethical Procurement Fee (PASSED)
- Frosh Report – AUS Equity Commissioners
- Executive Reports
- Representative Reports
- Departmental Reports
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Presentations
- Dr. L – Trenholme Dean of Libraries (6:00-6:40pm)
- Motions
- Motion to Promote Accessibility and Integrity of Education at McGill University (PASSED)
- Motion to Approve the 2024 AUS Elections Schedule (PASSED)
- Motion to Issue a Statement in Support of the Students for Palestinian Human Rights and in Condemnation of McGill University’s Censorship of the SPHR
- Motion to Ratify Decisions of the Financial Management Committee (FMC) (PASSED)
- Motion to Ratify Financial Management Committee (FMC) 2023/2024 Membership (PASSED)
- Motion to Ratify the Arts Student Employment Fund Committee (ASEFC) Decisions (PASSED)
- Motion to Issue a Statement Against SSMU’s Base Fee Increase Referendum Question and Campaign (PASSED)
- Motion to Issue a Statement in support of the SSMU Policy Against Genocide in Palestine Referendum Question
- Executive Reports
- Representative Reports
- Departmental Reports
- Agenda
- Minutes (APPROVED)
- Presentations
- Dr. Laura Brassington, Director of the Office of Arts Education (6:00-6:30 pm)
- Sustainability Commissioners (6:30-6:40 pm)
- Motions
- VP Internal Elections
- Voting ballot: https://forms.gle/jxbykiKMCTEvgY7s5
- Motion to Issue a Statement in support of the SSMU Policy Against Genocide in Palestine and in Condemnation of the Administration’s Attacks on Students’ Democratic Rights (COMMITTED TO REVISION COMMITTEE)
- Anonymous voting ballot: https://forms.gle/LFUd7Gd4ke2wFKbKA
- Contact information for the committee:
- jonas.baltakis@mail.mcgill.ca
- Motion to Ratify Decisions of the Financial Management Committee (FMC) (PASSED)
- Motion in Support of the Protest Against the Quebec Government’s Proposed Tuition Increases (PASSED)
- VP Internal Elections
- Executive Reports
- Representative Reports
- Departmental Reports
Winter 2024
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Presentations
- Eric van Eyken, President of the McGill Scarlet Key Society
- Winter Presentation Dates
- Accountability Survey presentation by Secretary General Accountability Andrea Landaeta
- Motions
- Executive Reports
- Representative Reports
- Departmental Reports
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Presentations
- Motions
- Robert’s Rules presentation
- Motion to Ratify Executive Committee Decision Regarding the Operating Budget of the Arts Undergraduate Theatre Society (AUTS) (PASSED)
- Motion to Approve the First Edition of the BdA By-Laws (PASSED)
- Motion to Ratify Financial Management Committee (FMC) 2024 Membership (PASSED)
- Motion to Ratify Executive Committee Decisions Regarding Amending the AUS Financial By-laws (PASSED)
- Executive Reports
- Representative Reports
- Departmental Reports
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Presentations
- Motions
- Executive Reports
- President
- Vice-President Finance
- Vice-President Communications
- Vice-President Academic
- Vice-President Internal
- Vice-President External
- Vice-President Social Affairs
- Representative Reports
- Departmental Reports
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Presentations
- Motions
- Motion for AUS to Issue a Comprehensive Academic Boycott Against Institutions Complicit in Settler-Colonialism
- Passed
- Motion to Ratify Decisions of the Financial Management Committee (FMC)
- Passed
- Motion to Approve Opt-Out List for Departmental Elections
- Passed
- Motion to Ratify Arts Student Employment Fund Committee (ASEFC) Membership
- Passed
- Motion for AUS to Issue a Comprehensive Academic Boycott Against Institutions Complicit in Settler-Colonialism
- Executive Reports
- Representative Reports
- Departmental Reports
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Presentations
- Motions
- Executive Reports
- President
- Vice-President Finance
- Vice-President Communications
- Vice-President Academic
- Vice-President Internal
- Vice-President External
- Vice-President Social Affairs
- Representative Reports
- Departmental Reports
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Presentations
- Motions
- Accountability Report
- Motion to Approve the Amended PSSA Constitution (PASSED)
- Amended Constitution
- Motion to Reorganize AUS Funding Allocations (PASSED)
- Motion to Approve the First Edition of the AUTS By-Laws (PASSED)
- Motion to Approve 2024 Summer Hours of the Executive Committee (PASSED)
- Motion to Ratify Decisions of the Financial Management Committee (FMC) (PASSED)
- Executive Reports
- Representative Reports
- Departmental Reports
2022-2023 Council Documents
Fall 2022
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Presentations
- Motions
- Executive Reports
- Representative Reports
- Departmental Reports
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Motions
- Executive Reports
- President
- Vice-President Finance
- Vice-President Communications
- Vice-President Academic
- Vice-President Internal
- Vice-President External
- Vice-President Social
- Representative Reports
- Departmental Reports
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Motions
- Motion to Ratify AUS Departmental Association Budgets
- Motion to Amend the Constitution of the CSA
- Motion to Approve Statement Condemning the New Vic Project
- Motion to Amend the Human Resource Policy
- Motion to Amend the AUS Constitution
- Motion to Amend the Accountability By-Laws
- Motion to Amend the Standing Rules
- Motion to Approve AUS Elections Team
- Executive Reports
- President
- Vice-President Finance
- Vice-President Communications
- Vice-President Academic
- Vice-President Internal
- Vice-President External
- Vice-President Social
- Representative Reports
- Arts Representatives to SSMU
- Arts Senators
- Departmental Reports
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Motions
- Executive Reports
- President
- Vice-President Finance
- Vice-President Academic
- Vice-President Internal
- Vice-President External
- Vice-President Social
- Vice-President Communications
- Representative Reports
- Arts Senators
- Arts Representatives to SSMU
- Departmental Reports
- Agenda
- Motions
- AUS Equity Commissioners – AUS Equity Frosh Report 2022
- Motion to Ratify ASEFC Membership
- Motion to Approve the creation of LLCUSA
- Motion to approve RUSS Constitution
- Motion to approve AUS Executive Committee decision
- Motion to Amend the FY2022 AUS Operating Budget and Departmental Association Budgets
- Motion to Ratify FMC Decisions
- Motion to Recommend Removal of AUS VP External
- Executive Reports
- President
- Vice-President Finance
- Vice-President Academic
- Vice-President Internal
- Vice-President External
- Vice-President Social
- Vice-President Communications
- Representative Reports
- Departmental Reports
- Minutes
- 10.26.2022
- 11.9.2022
- 10.26.2022
Winter 2023
- Agenda
- Motions
- Robert’s rules and Procedures
- Accountability Presentation
- Legislative Council Role Presentation
- Motion to Approve Summer School in Italy
- Motion to Approve a new fee for GEOG 425
- Motion to ratify FMC decisions
- Motion to Remove VP External
- Motion to Remove VP Internal
- Motion to Ratify Arts Student Employment FUnd Committee (ASEFC) Decisions
- Executive Reports
- President
- Vice-President Finance
- Vice-President Academic
- Vice-President Internal
- Vice-President External
- Vice-President Social
- Vice-President Communications
- Representative Reports
- Departmental Reports
- Minutes
- Agenda
- Motions
- Executive Reports
- President
- Vice-President Finance
- VP Academic
- Vice-President Internal
- Vice-President External
- Vice-President Social
- Vice-President Communications
- Representative Reports
- Departmental Reports
- Minutes
- Agenda
- Motions
- Executive Reports
- President
- Vice-President Finance
- Vice-President Academic
- Vice-President Internal
- Vice-President External
- Vice-President Social
- Vice-President Communications
- Representative Reports
- Departmental Reports
- Minutes
- Agenda
- Motions
- Motion to Amend the ASEF By-Laws
- Motion to Amend DESA Constitution
- Motion to Approve Opt-Out List for Departmental Elections
- Motion to Ratify the Arts Student Employment Fund Committee (ASEFC) Decisions
- Motion to Support the Call to Action for Divestment and Democratisation
- Motion to Approve Financial By-Laws
- Motion to Amend the AUS Accountability By-Laws
- Feb 22 – Motion to ratify FMC decisions
- March 08 – Motion to ratify FMC decisions
- Executive Reports
- President
- Vice-President Finance
- VP Academic
- Vice-President Internal
- Vice-President External
- Vice-President Social
- Vice-President Communications
- Representative Reports
- Departmental Reports
- Minutes for Approval
- Agenda
- Motions
- Executive Reports
- President
- Vice-President Finance
- Vice-President Academic
- Vice-President Internal
- Vice-President External
- Vice-President Social
- Vice-President Communications
- Representative Reports
- Departmental Reports
- Minutes
- Agenda
- Motions
- Executive Reports
- President
- Vice-President Finance
- Vice-President Academic
- Vice-President Internal
- Vice-President External
- Vice-President Social
- Vice-President Communications
- Representative Reports
- Departmental Reports
- Minutes
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