
General Information:

 The AUS is committed to providing a safe and equitable environment for all students.
If you feel that you have witnessed or been affected by inequities within the Arts Undergraduate Society, please file an equity complaint with the AUS Equity Committee. 
It is our responsibility to resolve and mediate any complaints within the undergraduate society. Do not hesitate to reach out if you are at all uncertain about our complaints policy, the Equity Committee or definitions of equity and anti-oppression within the AUS. 
You can email the AUS Equity Commissioners or fill out an equity complaint form. The AUS Equity Committee works to ensure the AUS upholds anti-oppressive principles and serves to protect marginalized peoples.
Other information:
To file a complaint against an AUS Executive or staff member please go here.
If you’re interested in joining the Equity Committee, please contact the commissioners with your CV.


Anonymous Disclosure Form Information:

Please fill out the form below if you have experienced an incident of harassment or discrimination that you wish to disclose. The form is a safe space for arts* students to be heard

Information disclosed in this form is strictly confidential. You can choose how much detail you want to include about a given incident and be anonymous. The details you report will only be sent to the AUS Equity Commissioners.

As this is an informal disclosure form, filling it out will not automatically lead to an official complaint or an investigation. If you would like to pursue those options, and the incident occurred in an AUS or AUS-affliated context, we encourage you to fill out an Equity Complaint instead. You can also seek recourse at any time through McGill channels, such as the Office of Mediation and Reporting or the Office of the Dean of Students. A full list of resources where you can make a report and get support both on and off campus can be found here. Please feel free to contact an Equity Commissioner if you would like to learn more about the various reporting avenues and which would be the best fit for you. 

While the form is confidential, the general trends of disclosures received will be reported every semester to inform AUS executives of harassment and discrimination within the arts community and assist them in their mandates of advocating for the needs of AUS students with McGill and SSMU. No identifying information will be shared. 

Equity/IRP Form Information:

Please fill out the Equity/IRP form below if you have experienced an incident of harassment or discrimination that you wish to disclose.

Information disclosed in this form is strictly confidential. You can choose how much detail you want to include about a given incident and be anonymous. The details you report will only be sent to the AUS Equity Commissioners.

 This is a formal disclosure form. After filling it out, an equity commissioner will reach out to you regarding your complaint, and next steps. Please note that the Equity Commissioners will not take any steps without your permission, and all details reported in the form will remain strictly confidential. For more information on how Equity reports work please view the equity policy below, or the IRP information page.

You can also seek recourse at any time through McGill channels, such as the Office of Mediation and Reporting or the Office of the Dean of Students. A full list of resources where you can make a report and get support both on and off campus can be found here. Please feel free to contact an Equity Commissioner if you would like to learn more about the various reporting avenues and which would be the best fit for you.

Please fill free to contact the AUS Equity commissioners at equity@ausmcgill.com if you have any questions about complaints, the IRP, or if you need assistance in filling a complaint or additional resources.

The 2024-2025 AUS Equity Commissioner Team:

Mairin Burke
Nika Roven
Jessica Williams-Daley